Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Love List

I have been through crappy relationship after relationship...and started to figure out what I want.

  • He notices when I've made an effort to look nice. I don't wear dresses and make my hair nice for just anything.
  • He makes plans. I hate the "I dunno what do you wanna do?" cycle.
  • He's okay with having our separate times. I want to be able to have a girls night, without drama.
  • He remembers what I say. I don't want to have to remind him of important things.
  • He's appreciative. Even if I burn the cake I wanted to make him...he thanks me anyways.
  • He's romantically spontaneous. Delivering lunch or flowers...something to remind me he cares.
  • He loves family. I want a guy I can bring around my family and he'll be happy...mainly the lil ones.
  • He understands when I'm upset. I have times where I've had nightmares and don't want to be near anyone...I want a guy that understands that.
  • He's got a great sense of humor. 
  • He's willing to help around the house. I'm not Martha Stewart, and I'm not a maid. I don't mind doing laundry, but I expect to be met halfway...as in, if I do your laundry, don't sift through when you need clothes and only wash half a load - of JUST your stuff.
  • He likes Harry Potter. Not a must, but it usually helps to understand my nerdiness. 

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